Cleantouch Accounts XP

  • Cash Payment Voucher

  • Account Types

  • Journal Voucher

  • Bank Receipt Voucher

  • Accounts Master File

Easy to Use Accounting Software for Service Business

The software written specially for the business who provide / sale services to their clients. It also help managing finance related requirements of trading companies. User have to input their basic daily finance transaction in software and can enjoy a lot of automated reports from different criteria. Accounts Ledger, Cash / Bank Book, Trial Balances, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet reports help users to understand position of their business.

Highlighted Features
  • 2 Level Chart of Account
  • Unlimited Voucher Categories
  • Automated Accounting up-to Balance Sheet
  • Built-in Data Backup & Restore Features
  • 1000+ Pre-Defined Color Schemes
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts


Acknowledged by

Cleantouch Accounts XP provides a simple yet powerful data model. All you deal with in this program is accounts of different types and vouchers.

At any time of your work, you can use all the richness of Cleantouch Accounts XP reports. For example, reports can focus on all accounts or specific ones. The same way, reports can be focused on all vouchers of same type or on specific ones. You can also have reports on more general things like total profit/loss, cash accounting, balances, and so on.

Nikolaev Alexander Dmitrievich